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The Benefits of Content Syndication for Lead Generation of an Ecommerce (With Best Practices)


The Benefits of Content Syndication for Lead Generation of an Ecommerce (With Best Practices)

Content marketing is one of the most powerful weapons for Ecommerce busineses. But writing rich and SEO-optimized content and publishing it in your blog is enough? What is your plan for promoting your content? Is placing your content just in one place and hoping that Google crawlers will find you and place you on the first page of Google going to work? If you think just creating content is enough, it is like you believe if you write a good book and place it in your basement, it will generate money for you!

Of course, you need to “place” your content in multiple channels and promote it to get a desirable result. And how can you do that? Well, there are many ways, and “Content Syndication” is one of the most significant methods for placing and promoting your content.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the definition of content syndication, its benefits, best practices, metrics, and many things more.

But first thing first. We need to answer this question: What is content syndication?

Content Syndication Definition

Content syndication is a strategic process where original content, such as articles, blog posts, infographics, or videos, is republished and distributed across various third-party platforms. These platforms can include industry-specific websites, blogs, online magazines, and content discovery networks. For Ecommerce businesses, content syndication involves sharing product-related information, buying guides, how-to articles, and more across a network of relevant websites.

Now that you understand what is content syndication, you need to learn about the significant benefits of content syndication. 

Benefits of Content Syndication

showing benefits to represent the benefits of content syndication

Ecommerce businesses looking to increase their online presence and enhance their lead generation efforts will benefit greatly from content syndication. Let’s explore some of these key advantages:

Content Syndication Lead Generation

One of the primary benefits of content syndication is its potential to drive valuable leads. When your content is featured on authoritative websites within your industry, you can attract a highly targeted audience. This audience is more likely to engage with your content, visit your website, and potentially convert into customers.

When your content is syndicated on other websites, it will be seen by a wider audience, including people who may not have been aware of your brand or products before. This can lead to more website traffic, leads, and sales.

Content syndication can also produce links to your website. When a website syndicates your content, it will typically include a backlink to your website. This is a link from their website to your website. Backlinks are a valuable SEO signal, and they can help improve your search engine rankings.

Building Relationships with Other Bloggers and Websites

Content syndication fosters collaboration with other bloggers and websites. By sharing your content on their platforms, you can establish meaningful relationships within your industry. This collaboration can lead to guest posting opportunities, co-marketing initiatives, and a broader network of like-minded professionals.

Cost-Effective Marketing

Content syndication offers a cost-effective alternative to traditional advertising. Instead of investing heavily in paid ads, you can leverage existing content to reach a wider audience. This approach allows you to maximize your marketing budget while still achieving significant results. However, like any other tool, it has its limitations. You need to define proper KPIs to control and refine your strategy. 

Increased Brand Awareness and Credibility

Syndicating your content to reputable industry websites can help boost your brand’s visibility and credibility. When readers see your content featured on these authoritative platforms, they are more likely to view your brand as an expert in your field and a trustworthy source of information. This can lead to increased traffic to your website, more leads, and ultimately, more sales.

Syndicated content can increase your credibility through 3 main channels: 

  • Increased exposure: When your content is syndicated to other websites, it is exposed to a wider audience than if it were only published on your own website. This can help you reach new potential customers and build brand awareness.
  • Backlinks: When other websites syndicate your content, they often include a backlink to your website. This is a link from their website to your website, and it is a valuable SEO signal. Backlinks can help improve your website’s search engine ranking, which can make it easier for potential customers to find you.
  • Trust and credibility: When readers see your content featured on reputable industry websites, they are more likely to trust your brand and see you as a credible source of information. This can help you build relationships with potential customers and close more deals.

Improved Search Engine Rankings

Content syndication can positively impact your SEO efforts. When your content is published across various platforms, it generates backlinks to your website. These backlinks signal to search engines that your website is valuable and relevant, potentially leading to higher search engine rankings.

There are some points that an ecommerce business should consider when trying to improve its search engine rankings with content syndication:

  • Choose the right content to syndicate: Not all content is created equal. When choosing content to syndicate, make sure that it is high-quality, relevant to your target audience, and optimized for search engines.
  • Syndicate your content to high-quality websites: When you syndicate your content, you want to make sure that it is being published on high-quality websites that are relevant to your target audience. This will help you get the most out of your syndication efforts and improve your search engine rankings.
  • Get backlinks: When other websites syndicate your content, they will often include a backlink to your website. This is a valuable SEO signal that can help improve your website’s search engine ranking.
  • Promote your syndicated content: Once you have syndicated your content, be sure to promote it on your own website and social media channels. This will help to drive traffic to your website and increase your exposure.
  • Track your results: It is important to track the results of your content syndication efforts so that you can see what is working and what is not. This will help you optimize your strategy and get the most out of your efforts.

Increased Audience Reach

By syndicating your content, you tap into the existing audiences of other websites. This broader reach exposes your content to individuals who may not have discovered your Ecommerce store otherwise, expanding your potential customer base.

What is Ecommerce Content Syndication

For Ecommerce businesses, content syndication is almost the same concept as syndication in any business. It involves sharing product-focused content. This can include product descriptions, reviews, comparison guides, and how-to articles related to your offerings. By distributing this content on platforms frequented by your target audience, you can drive traffic to your product pages and increase the likelihood of conversions.

There is just one point that can differentiate normal syndication and Ecommerce syndication. Ecommerce content syndication is more focused on driving traffic to your website and generating sales. Normal business content syndication may be more focused on building brand awareness or authority.

10 Content Syndication Best Practices

Syndication is a powerful tool for promoting your content, but how can you make the best out of these tools? Here we provided some content syndication best practices that help you to benefit from its maximum potential:

  1. Modify content as appropriate. This means that you should tailor your content to fit the style, tone, and audience of the site where you are syndicating it. You may also want to add some elements that encourage the readers to visit your site, such as links to related content, CTAs, or lead magnets.
  2. Use canonical tags. This is a way to tell Google which version of your content is the original and which one is the syndicated copy. This can help you avoid duplicate content penalties and ensure that your site gets the credit for your content.
  3. Add a link back to your site. This is a simple but effective way to drive more traffic to your site from the syndicated content. It can also help you establish your authority and credibility as the original source of the content.
  4. Share syndicated content on social. This means that you should promote your syndicated content on your social media channels, such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. This can help you increase your reach and engagement, as well as generate more social signals for your content.
  5. Measure key metrics. This means that you should track and analyze the performance of your syndicated content, such as how many views, clicks, conversions, leads, etc. it generates. This can help you evaluate the effectiveness of your content syndication strategy and optimize it accordingly.
  6. Select sites with higher domain authority and more extensive following. This means that you should choose reputable and popular sites to syndicate your content on. This can help you boost your exposure and credibility, as well as benefit from your SEO and social media presence.
  7. Create well-written, informative, and engaging content that provides value to the readers. This means that you should produce high-quality content that is relevant, useful, and interesting for your target audience. This can help you attract more attention and interest from the readers, as well as increase the chances of getting your content syndicated by other sites
  8. Targeted Platforms: Choose platforms that cater to your niche and target audience. Relevance is key to attracting the right readers.
  9. Originality: While syndicating content, maintain the originality of your website’s content. Avoid duplicate content issues by adjusting headlines and intros for syndicated versions.
  10. Include links to your products: When you syndicate your content, be sure to include links to your products. This will make it easy for people to find and purchase your products.

Content Syndication Metrics

Content syndication is a powerful engine that propels your Ecommerce business forward. But without a dashboard to check its performance, you might be driving blind. This is where content syndication metrics come into play – they’re like your business’s vital signs. Monitoring these metrics is essential because it’s how you ensure your efforts are paying off and discover ways to make things even better. Here are some of the most useful metrics you can use: 

  • Impressions: The number of times your syndicated content is displayed on various platforms. This measures the visibility and reach of your content.
  • Click-through Rate (CTR): Monitor how many users click on the links within your syndicated content to visit your Ecommerce site compared to the total impressions. It is usually expressed as a percentage.
  • Lead Generation: Track the number of leads generated through the syndicated content and their conversion rates.
  • Backlinks: Keep an eye on the quantity and quality of backlinks generated from syndicated content.
  • Audience Growth: Measure the increase in your website’s audience and social media following resulting from syndication.

What is the best way of Syndicating Content?

It is correct that there is no single best method to syndicate content. However, it is better to follow a standard routine in the process of content syndication. It will prevent you from wasting time and get you to the point faster. Here are the steps you need to follow:

steps of doing content syndication

Identify Platforms

Before you start, you need to know where the currents are strongest. Similarly, identifying authoritative platforms relevant to your industry is key. These platforms have established audiences that align with your target demographic. Seek out industry blogs, websites, and online magazines that can help you reach the right readers.

Customize Content

Every platform has its own audience and style. Tailor your content to fit each platform while retaining its core message. Adjust your approach to match the preferences of the platform’s readers, ensuring that your content resonates with them.

Pitch and Negotiate

Reach out to platform owners or editors with a well-crafted pitch. Highlight the value your content brings to their readers and propose a mutually beneficial arrangement. Negotiate terms such as content format, publication schedule, and any attribution requirements. You should be aware that there are many platforms that you can use for content syndication for free. 

Monitor Performance

monitor the performance of your syndicated content. Track metrics such as click-through rates, impressions, and lead generation. This data offers insights into what’s working well and what might need adjustment.

What is Product Content Syndication

Product content syndication involves distributing content that showcases your Ecommerce products. This can include detailed product descriptions, user guides, tutorials, and reviews. In other words, it is the process of sharing your product data with other online store platforms.

 By getting this content featured on relevant platforms, you can educate potential customers and drive them to make informed purchase decisions.

Product content syndication can help you increase your visibility, reach, and sales by exposing your products to more potential customers. It can also help you improve your SEO, brand awareness, and customer loyalty by providing consistent and accurate product information. 

Product content syndication also comes with some challenges, such as:

  • Complying with different requirements: Each platform or marketplace may have different standards and specifications for product data, such as format, structure, length, quality, etc. You need to ensure that your product data meets these requirements to avoid errors or rejections.
  • Maintaining data quality and consistency: You need to ensure that your product data is up-to-date, complete, and accurate across all platforms. You also need to avoid duplicate or conflicting data that may confuse or mislead the customers.
  • Managing data complexity and volume: You need to handle a large amount of product data that may vary in complexity and granularity. You also need to manage multiple data sources, channels, and formats that may change over time.

In order to overcome these challenges, there are some product content syndication platforms that can make it easier for ecommerce businesses to syndicate their products. 

What is ABM Content Syndication?

Account-based marketing (ABM) strategies can be enhanced through content syndication. By creating highly targeted content for specific accounts, you can collaborate with platforms that cater to those industries. This approach helps you tailor your message to the needs of individual accounts, increasing your chances of engagement and conversion.

In other words, ABM content syndication is a marketing strategy that involves syndicating content to a carefully curated list of accounts, also known as your ABM account list. This is done to reach your target accounts with relevant and targeted information that can help you build relationships and drive sales.

There are some software that can help you publish and show your content to the type of profiles you desire. In this case, it is very similar to targeted online advertising that shows ads to the segments you choose.

Key insights

  • Content syndication expands reach and increases brand visibility.
  • Syndication contributes to SEO with valuable backlinks and improved rankings.
  • Lead generation potential is a significant benefit of content syndication.
  • Relationships and credibility are built by sharing content on reputable platforms.
  • Cost-effective marketing alternative compared to traditional advertising.
  • Customization of content for different platforms enhances engagement.
  • Monitoring metrics such as impressions, click-through rates, etc., is crucial.
  • Ecommerce product syndication drives visibility and educates customers.
  • ABM strategies can be bolstered through personalized content syndication.

Image credit: Freepik