3 Retail Trends Transforming the Industry in 2024
The retail industry, continuously adapting to new technologies and evolving consumer habits, is, once again, at the crossroads of transformation. New technologies, especially the integration of artificial intelligence, are central to this moment, compelling retailers to adjust to changing shopping behaviors and to enhance their …
The Most Critical Email Deliverability Questions [with on-demand webinar]
Get answers to pressing email deliverability questions about Apple’s Mail Privacy Protection, Link Tracking Protection, Gmail pre-fetching, the retirement of email accounts by inbox providers, and more. …
Global Container Shipping Industry Sets Sights on Tech Investment, Capacity Concerns
Supply chain professionals in the global container shipping industry expect more technology investment and positive growth in the market in 2024. …
Supply Chains Are Ready for Change: Replacing ‘Scan it’ With ‘Sense it’
Supply chains across the globe are becoming increasingly complex, competitive, and under the scrutiny of existing and developing regulation. To date, the guiding solution has been elementary: scan it. For years, scanning products have allowed supply chain professionals to keep track of every item in …
Let’s Solve the Hidden Problems With Commerce Media Before They Hurt Retailers
No other advertising channel has ever grown as fast as commerce media. In just five years, the market went from $1 billion to $30 billion — more than twice as fast as it took social media advertising to achieve the same milestone. And by all …
Long-Lasting Sustainability Strategies for Retailers
It’s that time of the year when retailers ready themselves for a surge in sales and roll out festive promotions. But after the cash registers stop ringing and the holiday lights turn off, many concerns surface, such as gift returns and ongoing sustainability challenges. Retailers …
Preventing Promotion Abuse: How to Leverage User Loyalty and Customer Acquisition This Year
Innovations in frictionless-yet-secure transactions are becoming increasingly important when it comes to navigating promotions in various industries, a weapon often used to boost customer acquisition and loyalty. An estimated $1.5 million is lost each month by U.S.-based delivery companies attributed to promotion abuse, a type …
3 Tailwinds Driving Focus on Building Direct Customer Relationships
Three major digital marketing trends are causing brands to increase their focus and investments on email, SMS, loyalty, and other marketing channels where they have the most control over building and reaching their audiences. …
Cleveland Clinic Climbs Atop Gartner’s Healthcare Supply Chain Top 25
The Cleveland Clinic is the top healthcare supply chain according to Gartner, which also recognized the Mayo Clinic and Intermountain Health as Masters for their continued excellence. …
Nike Announces Plan to Cut $2B in Costs
Nike on Thursday unveiled plans to cut costs by about $2 billion over the next three years as it warned about a “softer” revenue outlook for the second half of the year. The athletic brand plans to simplify its product assortment, increase automation and its …